My digital portfolio
Ready to be behind the camera and edit for hours
Other than instructional & welcome videos I've made for students, I have limited experience with video production and editing - but this is an area I'm excited to pursue. Over the last several years I've been impressed by the creations one of my colleagues has produced and have helped him with occasional photo content and preparation for a pair of lip dub videos involving hundreds of students and staff members. He would serve as a potential mentor and resource for me as I develop my video filming and editing skills. He recently trained me in Final Cut Pro and I plan to edit videos there for the musical publicity program at Novi High School.
I am sharing a video I originally prepared for my extended family that demonstrates my ability to speak on camera (if ever needed for recorded student or staff interviews), camera placement skills, and editing abilities. This also provides a bit of insight into my personality and ability to teach - in case I will ever be working with folks I need to train. (Bonus: If you ever wanted to learn how to make flour tortillas - I can be your guide. Bribe: I make these regularly and often have leftovers.) The video I'm sharing was edited in iMovie - next up, I plan to learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro.
This single camera video was shot in my kitchen with a Sony vlogging camera and mic, edited in iMovie.
I don't have much, but I'm ready to gain more
This website is the first I've designed since taking a journalism grad class more than a decade ago - but as I've worked on this portfolio site, I've found myself thinking about how great it would be to plan, prepare photo & video packages, and update a website regularly. I would be interested in enrolling in web design courses as needed to ensure I have the skills necessary to maintain an engaging space for those who need access to information. I am able to design in WIX and WordPress, and am open to learning new platforms.
As the teacher of and adviser to The Wildcat Roar staff of student journalists, I oversee their online student publication (but do not make any specific contributions or edits directly to it - that is the job of the editors), which you can see by clicking on "Read More" below.